About Vlad
Expert in design & humorous illustration
Vlad Kolarov is a Bulgarian-born Canadian cartoonist, humorous illustrator, designer and animator. He was born in Rousse, Bulgaria and became one of the “Wind of Change” generation cartoonists, after the collapse of communism in his native country.
Vlad was hired by the largest Bulgarian newspaper publisher “168 hours” and created the first Bulgarian comic strips: “Birdie” and “Phil the Cat”, which appeared in the “24 Hours” daily. In 1998 Vlad moved to Vancouver, BC and became a full time freelancer.
His cartoons have been published by numerous newspapers, magazines and web sites, including Reader’s Digest, Spiegel, Yahoo, Regards.com, and are available through the Internet.
Since 2008 Vlad is working as a Senior Designer for PressReader, a digital platform that gives customers unlimited access to the magazines and newspapers in over 60 languages, issued by over 7000 publishers across 120 countries.
How you address new digital opportunities and changing market dynamics directly impacts your success.
I have more than ten years' experience in digital strategy consulting, ecommerce development, and more.
My digital services provide end-to-end support across the digital product lifecycle from consultancy and iteration.

I look at design as a problem that needs solving.
Vlad Kolarov
We want clients and designers alike to think about their design and how it will work with the web copy, we want you think about how numbers.
Vlad’s interview in the “Utro” newspaper
March 25, 2023
No project is too big or too small!
If you’re interested in growing or evolving your brand, let's talk.